Photography and costume art



The artists

Mörk is a collective of two creative individuals, photographer Mikaela Holmberg and costume artist Mirjam Lehtonen. Together they use their imagination and skill to create magical photo art full of dreamlike portraits and beautiful landscapes.

Both growing as outsiders and having strikingly similar backstories, they spent their childhood daydreaming and creating something from nothing. The same feeling of silent observing is still present in their work. Often drawing inspiration from their childhood memories they create serene portraits of intriguing characters, like a passing scene of a dream.

Creating one piece can take up to months from planning the concept to designing and making all the costumes, set pieces and props needed. That childhood something from nothing attitude is still there: The perfect shoot location can be discovered from their backyards or forest nearby and the costumes and set pieces use everything from potato starch to welding wire and decades old curtains. Beauty can be found everywhere. Then, with a hint of sadness, they disassemble the set, pack away the costume pieces and the scene is gone forever. Just like a dream or a distant childhood memory.
